Changing perspectives

Sabine Hoffmann
1 min readJan 16, 2019


Walking around Moke Lake near Queenstown in the South of New Zealand, I realized how many different aspects you´d see by taking the time AND effort to have a closer look at projects, teams and topics. Every several steps we had a new perspective of the mountains, their picture in the lake and even the whole landscape. In these 2 hours I realized what will become the motto of my 2019….

How often would I only have a quick glance at a situation and instantly take a decision? Without taking my time for observing, asking for the WHY behind behaviors, inviting people with different backgrounds to share their view on the situation, analyzing possible alternatives, understanding correlations, exploring patterns…

“Changing Perspectives” will be the motto of my 2019 — inviting you to help me to create as many possibilities as thinkable! In order to nourish the growth zone for me, my leadership and all the people around me.



Sabine Hoffmann

Designing learning journeys for myself and people around me, to unleash their full potential in order to change this planet every day. #empowerthisplanet