Exploring inspiration…

Sabine Hoffmann
4 min readJun 13, 2019


Inspiration is one of the basic drivers for my life — for running my business, my leadership, my being with others and even being with myself… for me inspiration brings joy, curiosity and feeling connected to myself and others.

Being aware of the power of my inspirational spirit, I started observing its characteristics and sources at the beginning of this year in Jan 2019 in New Zealand:

When I was standing in front of the largest springs on New Zealand´s Northern Island I felt the impact of water, taking 70 years (!) in order to come out of the ground at exactly this place. 70 years of preparation, condensation and clarification before becoming obvious and impactful to humans.

Hamurana Springs Nature Reserve

Would I be able to hold back that long, before shaping things around me? Two things come to my mind while thinking this… how much stronger would my impact as leader and entrepreneur be? But on the other hand, how would I be sure that I am creating the impact I meant to..? If I invested not 70 years, but at least some time every day in order to listen to myself and others, how would my impact change? So I started this journey in my daily business. Will keep u updated on that…

One of the last nights in New Zealand, we spent the night in our camper van (yes 😉) near lake Alexandrina on the Southern island, the so called darkest spot on earth, in order to observe stars. The most sparkling night I ever experienced… when it comes to the sky and the stars!

Observation at Lake Alexandrina, New Zealand

I did not close my eyes almost the whole night, as I was so much fascinated by the sparkling sky. And again the fact, that the stars are always there, but we do not see them due to polluting light of our human activities makes me think of changing perspectives, taking the time to dig deeper into obvious facts and being aware of a phenomenon such as the hidden aspects of an organization and its behaviors. Being the real beauty of systems. So I take back the following question into my life: “How to create space for giving the sparkle of humans more visibility in our world of (still) bureaucracy and uniformity?

Only some weeks ago, undergoing another week of fasting, we had one whole day of no speaking. How would that feel, on day with myself only? So I started into the woods, in order to experience myself.. what do I need in order to dare to take new adventures, ways or risks?

Exploring Pernegg

· Feeling the difference of walking the same way once from the one side, once from the other side.

· Sitting on the edge of a slope, observing myself how I make my decision whether to take a risk or not.

· Stepping into the icy little river with my bare feet in order to feel stepping out of my comfort zone. And back, into the warm socks and shoes 😊

…During this day I discovered so many things about myself: first of all that I am having good times with myself (which I had expected, but I am sure of now…)! For undertaking new adventures (what I do almost every day in my life), I need time (!), quietness, overview, benevolence of others, observation of others that already try things out, trying things out by myself, breaks (reminder to myself!!), inspiration (which was brought to me in this situation by the wind in the trees), time to relax, courage and feedback in any form. Ok, sounds very much like a leadership checklist, but why I think that this will have much more impact on my behavior? Because I created it myself. By experiencing it with my whole self: my body, my mind and my soul.

As I am so thrilled about the impact of inspiration I will keep exploring. With me and others. And would be happy to gain insights into your ways of getting inspired. As inspiration is so individual. As unique as we are all born and socialized. Shaped by our own values, experience, destiny, gifts and threats. Let´s keep sharing how we inspire ourselves and others and impact this world at the end, as humans and leaders!

Here. Now. In this life.



Sabine Hoffmann
Sabine Hoffmann

Written by Sabine Hoffmann

Designing learning journeys for myself and people around me, to unleash their full potential in order to change this planet every day. #empowerthisplanet

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